Friday, February 28, 2014

Fairytale Reservation 2014

Illustration for the Fairytale Reservation project (Заповедник сказок).

The Fairytale Reservation, in its fourth year now, is a collaboration between writers and illustrators. Writers submit stories, illustrators pick the stories to illustrate, and the whole resulting collection ends up published as a book. Fantastic stories of all kinds are encouraged.

I ended up illustrating an actual Christmas carol, believe it or not. I mean it as a genre, not a religious holiday thing - a story of redemption and new life triumphant that happens around the longest night at the turn of the year. Here an old ex-military officer who all but lost his will to live after his wife died, finds it again after deciding to play an impromptu, awkward Santa Claus for his grandchildren.

The book is going to come out in the middle of 2014. You can subscribe here:

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